This is my first time posting to this list, so forgive me
if this question has been asked before (I did not see it in
the archives or in the mod_perl guide).

Apache::Status seems like a nice module, but I don't understand
what the Memory usage section is telling me.

For a given package, I have a function foo() that has a line 
like this.

foo           48293 bytes   |   1172 OPs

Here's my questions...

1) 48293 bytes is what?  Is that code?, stack?, data? or a combination
   of some of the three?  

2) 1172 OPs - what's an OPs?  Is it good to have more or less?  How does 
   that affect memory usage?

3) Without changing the code, I can reload the memory usage page and the 
   same function foo() will generally have the same number of bytes, but 
   not always.  The OPs always seem to remain the same number however.  The
   bytes can vary but they don't seem to grow a great deal.  Is this varying
   number a memory leak in the function?  If not, what causes the number to
   vary from one invocation to the next?

More questions later...

The documentation seemed to be silent in regards to answering these questions.

Any insights would be much appreciated.

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