I figured it out.
It was permission problems on the include directory.
thanks for the advise all.

Re: PerlAuthenHandler invalid command
>> Geoff
>>    I did build with perl Makefile.PL PERL_AUTHEN=1
>>    That was the first thing I thought also.
>> Frank
>ok, sorry I didn't read far enough :)
>did you 'make install'?  typically, you only see the message if you haven't
>enabled the api or you haven't installed mod_perl...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 'Frank Plunkett' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Date: Monday, August 28, 2000 3:40 PM
>> Subject: RE: PerlAuthenHandler invalid command
>> >build mod_perl with
>> >
>> >perl Makefile.PL EVERTHING=1
>> >or PERL_AUTHEN=1
>> >
>> >HTH
>> >
>> >--Geoff
>> >
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: Frank Plunkett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 3:31 PM
>> >> Subject: PerlAuthenHandler invalid command
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Hi modperites,
>> >>
>> >>        I keep receiving the following error message when
>> >> starting httpd:
>> >>
>> >> Syntax error on line 99 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
>> >> Invalid command 'PerlAuthenHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or
>> >> defined by a
>> >> module not included in the server configuration
>> >>
>> >> ############
>> >> my httpd.conf looks like this:
>> >> <Location /wwwhes>
>> >>     AuthName Test
>> >>     AuthType Basic
>> >>     SetHandler perl-script
>> >>     PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthAny
>> >>     require valid-user
>> >> </Location>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> #########
>> >> I did a perl Makefile.pl  everything=1
>> >>
>> >> but still no luck.
>> >>
>> >>  perl Makefile.PL
>> >> Reading Makefile.PL args from ../makepl_args.mod_perl
>> >> Configure mod_perl with /home/apache_1.3.12/src ? [y]
>> >> Shall I build httpd in /home/apache_1.3.12/src for you? [y]
>> >> Appending mod_perl to src/Configuration
>> >> Using config file: /usr/local/mod_perl-1.24/src/Configuration
>> >> Creating Makefile
>> >>  + configured for Solaris 270 platform
>> >>  + setting C compiler to cc
>> >>  + setting C pre-processor to cc -E
>> >>  + checking for system header files
>> >>  + adding selected modules
>> >>     o perl_module uses ConfigStart/End
>> >>       + mod_perl build type: OBJ
>> >>       + setting up mod_perl build environment
>> >>       + id: mod_perl/1.24
>> >>       + id: Perl/v5.6.0 (solaris) [perl]
>> >>       + adjusting Apache build environment
>> >>  + checking sizeof various data types
>> >>  + doing sanity check on compiler and options
>> >> Creating Makefile in support
>> >> Creating Makefile in os/unix
>> >> Creating Makefile in ap
>> >> Creating Makefile in main
>> >> Creating Makefile in lib/expat-lite
>> >> Creating Makefile in modules/standard
>> >> Creating Makefile in modules/perl
>> >> -I$(SRCDIR)/lib/expat-li
>> >> te
>> >> PerlDispatchHandler.........enabled
>> >> PerlChildInitHandler........enabled
>> >> PerlChildExitHandler........enabled
>> >> PerlPostReadRequestHandler..enabled
>> >> PerlTransHandler............enabled
>> >> PerlHeaderParserHandler.....enabled
>> >> PerlAccessHandler...........enabled
>> >> PerlAuthenHandler...........enabled
>> >> PerlAuthzHandler............enabled
>> >> PerlTypeHandler.............enabled
>> >> PerlFixupHandler............enabled
>> >> PerlHandler.................enabled
>> >> PerlLogHandler..............enabled
>> >> PerlInitHandler.............enabled
>> >> PerlCleanupHandler..........enabled
>> >> PerlRestartHandler..........enabled
>> >> PerlStackedHandlers.........enabled
>> >> PerlMethodHandlers..........enabled
>> >> PerlDirectiveHandlers.......enabled
>> >> PerlTableApi................enabled
>> >> PerlLogApi..................enabled
>> >> PerlUriApi..................enabled
>> >> PerlUtilApi.................enabled
>> >> PerlFileApi.................enabled
>> >> PerlConnectionApi...........enabled
>> >> PerlServerApi...............enabled
>> >> PerlSections................enabled
>> >> PerlSSI.....................enabled
>> >> Will run tests as User: 'nobody' Group: 'other'
>> >> Checking CGI.pm VERSION..........ok
>> >> Checking for LWP::UserAgent......ok
>> >> Checking for HTML::HeadParser....ok
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Connection
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Constants
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::File
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Leak
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Log
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::ModuleConfig
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::PerlRunXS
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Server
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Symbol
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Table
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::URI
>> >> Writing Makefile for Apache::Util
>> >> Writing Makefile for mod_perl
>> >> salcd6# make
>> >> (cd /home/apache_1.3.12/src &&  make CC="cc";)
>> >> ===> os/unix
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >

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