PageKit is a new application framework that is based on mod_perl.
It is similar to HTML::Embperl, but separates the Perl from HTML by using
HTML::Template and can use XML to separate the content from presentation.

It is based on the Model/View/Content/Controller approach to design, and
includes session management, authentication, form validation, sticky html
forms, multiple views/co-branding, modules and includes, and a simple
content management system.

To view the docs, visit

To download,

To join a general mailing list for discussion, visit

If you are interested in joining the development effort, email me or sign
up for the developers list at

The best way to develop a site using PageKit is to start with the source
for which is located in the eg/ directory of the

Any questions, comments or suggestions are welcome.  This module is in
early alpha stage and the API may change.

Have fun,
T.J. Mather

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