I'm documenting the PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL options, which skips the
perl_destruct() call. At the same place I also mention that whe you
stop/restart Apache, the parent first sends the SIGTERM (nice) kill signal
to the children, advising them to quit. But who wants to die:

     Why I should die
     Would I be more noticed
     Than I ever was before?
     Would the things I've said and done
     Matter any more?

So the parent waits for a few secs and then becomes unpatient and sends
the cruel SIGKILL saying:

     Die if you want to
     You misguided martyr!
     I wash my hands
     Of your demolition
     Die if you want to
     You innocent puppet!

There is nothing you can do against the cruel sysadmin so there comes
a last cry:

     God forgive them
     They don't know what they're doing
     Who is my mother? 
     Where is my mother?
     My God
     My God
     Why have you forgotten me?
     I'm thirsty
     I'm thirsty
     Oh God I'm thirsty
     It is finished
     Into your hands
     I command my spirit

and voila the processes has been killed.

And one of the nice folks has pointed out that it doesn't matter whether
you have the PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL option set to -1, if the processes get
brutally killed, they will not complete their destroy/end blocks and
therefore nasty things might happen.

Anyone can comment on this possible problem? I've seen many times the
Apache processes being killed with kill -9 (SIGKILL), but I had never had
a significant cleanup to do. Do you?

Because if there is a problem even a potential, it should be fixed or
prevented fron happening I think.

Thanks a lot!

P.S. If you are not familiar with the great "Jesus Christ Super
Star" musical it's a time to watch it. The above lyrics were copied
from: http://user.chollian.net/~asalabia/musical/jcsly.htm.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://jazzvalley.com
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