On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What I think is going on is that the script gets killed by Oracle for
> being idle and tries to ping the connection, but the ping fails.

It is supposed to reconnect when the ping fails.  I've had problems
getting reconnects to Oracle 8 working.  The "solution" we ended up with
was to make processes that can't reconnect send an error page and
exit.  New processes are able to connect.  I'm not sure what causes this

Since your problem is caused by your processes being idle for too long,
this may go away when you move out of testing mode into a public release.  
You might want to tweak your MinSpareServers settings so that you won't
have lots of idle processes hanging around.

> >Rebild your mod_perl with the EVERYTHING=1 flag.  That will get rid
> of the >above error message.
> So I have to re-install it?  Is there anything I need to do when I
> rebuild it?  Or do I just need to reinstall mod_perl as it's done in
> the documentation?

Just rebuild it and re-install as it shows in the docs.

- Perrin

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