        I installed Apache::AuthCookie succesfully. I tried the example
given and it worked fine. Now, I want to use AuthCookie , but I have a
problem. I am using an alias directory like this ...

Alias /demo/html/ "/home/claudio/demo/"
<Directory "/home/claudio/demo">
    Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

... to preserve the original document tree (that point to /home/httpd/html),
and I want to use authorization only with my own document tree. But when
AuthCookie looks for login.pl, AuthCookie fails because he is looking in the
original document tree (defined in DocumentRoot key).
My question is: is there any way to indicate absolute paths to
WhatEverLoginScript var? or any way to indicate it must look in an aliased
Thanks a lot.


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