Z-man ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was saying:

>    Hi All
>    Can Anyone here help me out?I'm trying to use the rewrite mod and have
>    run into a problem.I've added the rewritecond and rules into my config
>    file and it works if I use www in my url but will not work without
>    it.I'd rather it worked the opposite way but will settle for both if
>    that's the best I can do.The conditions I added are as follows:

Try this, notice the question marks after the (www\.), which shows that
it is optional.

Rewritelog logs/rewrite.log
RewritelogLevel 9

RewriteMap       lowercase       int:tolower
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}       !^$
RewriteCond       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}       !^www\.myserver.com$
RewriteCond       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}       ^(www\.)?([^.]+)\.myserver\.com$
RewriteRule       ^(.+)       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}$1 [C]
RewriteRule       ^(www\.)?([^.]+)\.myserver\.com(.*) /users/$2$3       [L]
RewriteCond       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}       ^(www\.)[^.]+\.[^.]+\.myserver\.com$
RewriteRule       ^(.+)       ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}}$1 [C]
RewriteRule       ^(www\.)?([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.myserver\.com(.*)       /users/$3/$2$4    
>    Do I need to change anything here or am I missing something?Also If it
>    makes a difference I'm running apache on win2k.
>    Thanks for any and all help...
>    Denis

"With pain comes clarity."

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