Hi, I have problems to load Apache DBI. I added the PerlModule Apache::DBI
into httpd.conf and when I restarted Apache I got this message

bash# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart;
Shutting down http:               [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                   [  OK  ]

bash# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd status;
httpd dead but subsys locked

it seems like Apache crashes... I dont know why... I could saw in the
Apache::DBI doc that mod_perl must be configured with PERL_CHILD_INIT=1 and
PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1. How can I know if mod_perl was compiled with  this
directives? How can I know what directives were used to compile mod_perl? I
download mod_perl as an RPM from RedHat... And I havent posibilities to
recompile it... should I recompile it? or there is any way to modify the
configuration without compilation?

Thanks a lot


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