Brian Cocks wrote:
> I'm wondering how much improvement this caching is over the database caching
> the parsed SQL statement and results (disk blocks)?
> In Oracle, if you issue a query that is cached, it doesn't need to be parsed.
> If the resulting blocks are also cached, there isn't any disk access.  If the
> database is tuned, you should be able to get stuff out of cache over 90% of
> the time.  I don't know what other databases other than Oracle do.

Oracle is clever in this respect - and you are right if you tune
correctly you should hit the cache ...

But may other DB's do not have a shared executition plan / results
cache.  MySQL, msql and postgreSQL do not.  As far as I am aware Sybase
only has an execution plan cache that is per connection (could be wrong

The MySQL developers have got a SELECT CACHED idea, where you can define
a statement as cacheable, and further calls to SELECT CACHE will return
the cached results - this is all on the todo list with no fixed date.
> What are the advantages of implementing your own cache?  Is there any reason
> other than speed?

Could be wrong but no - and it has a bad point in that it introduces an
added layer of complexity .....

I am certainly interested as accessing a local cache should be an order
of magnitude faster than asking a buzy DB.

Greg Cope

> --
> Brian Cocks
> Senior Software Architect
> Multi-Ad Services, Inc.

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