I installed Apache_1.3.12, mod_perl-1.23 flexible way, also PHP4 as
module. I am using mysql-3.22.32(from source) and postgresql. Also perl
modules DBI-1.14, Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214 .
Some minor problems during first install with php, but second time all ran
without any errors. Apache started nice, php test phpinfo() ran too.
Also HTML-Embperl-1.2.1 . As its my job to write scripts under Embperl, I
tested Embperl without database connections, everything worked nice.
Then I made small script to test database connections:
[-use DBI;
                select now()    }))->[0][0];
No mingi ilge jama <BR>
[+ $kuupaev +]
I got an empty document(errormessage). I included that error from
With postgres,it worked nicely. Tried different Msql-mysql-modules, but
without success. When I built mod_perl statically with Apache(the first
step in installation guide :), script worked nice. 
Btw, I tried it as pure perl script(removed all unnessecary tags),
DBI:mysql worked nicely and gave right answers.
So, it comes to my mind that there could be one of five problems:
1. Apache_1.3.12
2. mod_perl-1.23
3. Msql-Mysql-modules-1.22xx????
4. DBI-1.14
5. mysql-3.22.32

Error log contains only:
 [Sat Sep  9 21:49:01 2000]
[notice] child pid 25528 exit signalSegmentation fault (11)

Is there a way to build mod_perl statically(later add Embperl) but with
PHP4 ? 
Main goal is to build a hybrid environment PHP4+Embperl-Mod_perl and
databases mysql and postgresql.


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