"Thomas S. Brettin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> from the looks of the code you guys posted, I would guess that
> Cookie->fetch returns a hash reference, not a hash.  Could this be the
> problem?

It can return either a hash or a hash reference, depending on whether or not 
you wantarray.  The problem many people encounter is that the values in the
returned hash(ref) are Apache::Cookie OBJECTS, not simply value of the
cookie.  There's more to a cookie than just it's value. 
I think it goes something like this.

%cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;

print ref \%cookies; # prints HASH ??
print ref $cookies{'SESSION'}; # prints Apache::Cookie ??
print $cookies{'SESSION'}->value; # prints the value of SESSION cookie

RTFM to be sure, or run it and see what you get!

Joe Schaefer

SunStar Systems, Inc.

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