On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:

> This is off-topic, but I need an answer pretty quick, and I *am*
> writing this app using mod_perl, so its sorta related (also, I don't
> want the headache of re-subscribing to a new list).
> You know those online web-based tech support chat systems?  Its
> commonly frame based, but its just like IRC, but over HTML.  when a
> user posts a message it immediatly pops up on the chat frame, and you
> submit your message through a regular-ol' HTML form.  I don't think
> this is an applet, because this works in all sorts of browsers.  I
> think its javascript, but I'm not sure. My main question, is when the
> server knows that a new message has been posted, how does it push that
> new page out to the client web browser?  I'm used to all page-views
> originating from the client...not the server.

Plain old meta refreshes. Usually every 5 or 10 seconds or so. Perhaps
configurable on a user and/or server basis.


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