Oops, sorry for the last send, itchy trigger finger. :)

This variable data caching is a problem common to 
Apache::ASP and modperl in general.  "use strict"
programming tends to help, as it requires explicit
variable initialization or declaration.

To do "use strict" for all your Apache::ASP scripts,
turn on the config:
   PerlSetVar UseStrict 1

This is documented at:
This problem can also occur with the "my closure"
problem, documented in the mod_perl guide at:

To avoid this, I would highly recommend not declaring
subroutines in your ASP scripts, and have those subroutines
in your global.asa or normal perl library.  Apache::ASP
scripts are compiled as perl subroutines, so embeded 
subroutines are prone to this behavior.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

"Demetrios C. Christopher" wrote:
> Hello and thanks in advance for any help.
> I am running Apache Stronghold 2.4.2 with modperl 1.21 and Apache::ASP 0.18
> (just recently upgraded to the latest - 2.03 I believe - but the problem was
> intermittent so I wanted to still check with the forum).  Sure, pretty much
> everything could use an update and within the next couple of months I plan
> to do so but this software resides on a production box so there's little
> room
> for mishaps. I am waiting to install all the newest software on a new box
> and
> then transfer control.
> So, as the subject line states, the variables in my .asp's tend to retain
> the
> values used in previous script runs.  If I leave stronghold going for a
> while
> without a restart, I can go to one of the forms, load it (initially
> everything
> should be blank) and then see someone else's info already filled out.  By
> the
> way, these forms that I wrote (eg. a registration form) are forms that will
> initially print out the empty form and then upon submission do data
> validations
> and reprint the form (prefilling whatever passed the validation).  The same
> script handles everything.  I'm sure I didn't invent this but I just wanted
> to
> make sure everyone got the flow of the code.  No criticism please, this code
> works great (prev. an IIS/ASP developer) and it's easy to maintain and
> duplicate.  ;)
> So, after my scripts take the info from the POST forms and place it into
> variables, these variables seem to retain the values instead of clean up at
> the
> end of the script.  I use "my" throughout.  I simply cannot see why the
> variables
> would become global _and_ persistent.  I can't vouch for "global" I guess...
> I
> think it's only within a certain server thread and not the entire server
> since
> subsequent refreshes may yield other sets of info as well and many refreshes
> later you end up cycling through all sets.
> Again, I would appreaciate any and all help.
> Demetrios

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