
I am trying to develop for the first time a perl module. It should work on a 
server with mod_perl. The objects are not using mod_perl ($r) and are just 
solving some of my work in a nicer way. Since I'm new in OOP on perl (I only 
know C++) I would hear from some experts that the following is allowed in Perl 
OO modules and does not conflict with mod_perl.

The question belongs to the constructor. I have $self as a class reference on 
the brandnew object. Now in the rest of my constructor I do some Querys on a 
MySQL database to get information about the authenticated user (.htaccess with 
AuthenDBI). Afterwards I store the user-data retrieved from the database in a 
hash-variable and put a reference to this hash in the $self object in the 
following way:


Now I can get the different parts of userdata in other instance-methods with 
code like the following ($po is an object of this class):

my $po = new Peseta;
print "<p>This desk belongs to: " . $po->{'userdata'}->{'ulname'} . "</p>";

My question is now: Can I be sure that there are no conflicts when several 
users are requesting pages that work with this module? Can I be sure that the 
object data is not shared between different requests and the object has really 
only data corresponding to the actual request when I follow the general rules 
for OOP under perl?

Thanks a lot for your answers



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