* Doug MacEachern
| On 28 Sep 2000, Bjørn Ola Smievoll wrote:
| > [Sorry for being so verbose, hope somebody still have the time and
| > patience to read it all].
| > 
| > I have a setup where a PerlTransHandler registers a PerlContentHandler
| > based simply on whether $r->uri ends with '.html' or not.  The
| > TransHandler does no verifying of the existence of the file, that
| > doesn't happen until the ContentHandler kicks in.  For an unsuccessful
| > '-e' test, NOT_FOUND is returned from the ContentHandler.  All this
| > worked fine until I added an perl-based handler for the 404 using the
| > ErrorDocument parameter in httpd.conf[1].
| your error handler works fine for me with 404's.  what is your
| PerlTransHandler doing?

Well, I'm not shure it works.  Request that it handles shows up in the
access_log with status 200.  I must admit; I'm quite confused at the
moment.  Is it correct to use $r->send_http_header?

Anyways, I've made a couple of dummy modules to make an to-the-point
example.  Using them should cause looping.

First the httpd.conf entries:

PerlTransHandler UiO::TransDummy

<Location /http_error>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler UiO::ErrDoc

ErrorDocument 404 /http_error

The transhandler:

package UiO::TransDummy;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    unless ($r->is_initial_req) {
        return DECLINED;
    if (substr($r->uri, -5) eq '.html') {
        $r->filename($r->document_root . $r->uri);
        $r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => 'UiO::ContentDummy');
        $r->log->debug('Registered ' . $r->filename);
        return OK;

    return DECLINED;


And the contenthandler:

package UiO::ContentDummy;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    return NOT_FOUND;



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