On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 15:28:09 -0400 (EDT), kevin montuori wrote:
> bc> Static .html files aren't compressed at all (but do come through
> bc> as text/html).
> do you have
> SetHandler perl-script
> in there somewhere?
This fixes static html completely! It's compressed, and also comes
through as text/html. Thanks very much!!
perl scripts are still coming through as compressed (which is good)
text/plain (which is bad). Umm. Who has control over the content-type?
I thought the perl script itself did (i.e. print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
but I can't find that anywhere in our perl code (I'm not the one who writes
the scripts, so I don't know the code... I'm just responsible for apache).
Is there any other possible way the content type would have been getting
set, previously, that might be broken with the addition of Apache::Compress?
Thanks again :-)