[EMAIL PROTECTED] (kevin montuori) wrote:
>  i'm wondering if anyone else has seen the following behaviour, and,
>  if you have, how you dealt with it.  here's the problem:
>  i have a bunch (200 or so) CGI scripts being handled by
>  Apache::RegistryFilter then Apache::Compress, i.e., 
>     <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|pl)$">
>       SetHandler            perl-script
>       PerlSetVar            Filter On
>       PerlHandler           Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::Compress
>     </FilesMatch>

Hi Kevin,

Do you also have config lines like

   PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
   PerlModule Apache::Compress

somewhere in the config file?  You should.  If you don't, I think
mod_perl does some magical loading of modules you need (I'm not even
sure of that, since I always load the modules explicitly), but it might
get messed up when new children are created or something.

Other than that, is the filtering setup working okay?

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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