I have a server that I'm trying to get mod_perl working on and 
I'm having a bit of trouble getting mod_so and mod_perl working
together (at least I think).  The server as it is has mod_so 
compiled into the httpd and loads PHP as a DSO.  I have been
able (as far as I can tell) to get the mod_perl install to
compile an httpd with mod_perl and mod_so (at least they show
up in the 'httpd -l' list).  However, when I try running the
httpd server with both mod_perl and mod_so etc. PHP doesn't
seem to work correctly (otherwise the server works fine).
No error message or even access message shows up when trying
to access a php script through the webserver.  It's really
frustrating trying to solve this problem since I don't have
much debugging / error information to work with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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