
for about a month now, I've been running a server with a perl handler
emulating NetCloak, a Macintosh embedded html language.  today i was messing
around with my httpd.conf, and now it seems that none of the PerlHandlers i
set up are being used.

the relevant section (i think) is:

   PerlRequire /www/perl/libs/startup.pl

      ServerAlias galileo.dyndns.org
      DocumentRoot /www/htdocs/ProjectGalileo
      <Location /online/admin>
         Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks
         IndexOptions FancyIndexing
      <Location /show>
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::ShowRequest
      PerlModule NetCloak::Processor
      <Location />
         AddHandler perl-script html htm
         PerlHandler NetCloak::Processor
      PerlModule FormSaver::Processor
      <Location />
         AddHandler perl-script fs
         PerlHandler FormSaver::Processor

i know some of this is getting processed, because the NetCloak module is
in a strange place, and startup.pl puts it into @INC. commenting out the
PerlRequire causes things to break as i expect.  however, none of the pages
are getting processed, and going to http://galileo.dyndns.org/show gives me
a document not found error.

i've been banging my head against this all day, and i've been seing a lot of
variation: sometimes commenting out the PerlRequire doesn't cause problems
and it seems like none of the perl directives are even seen, sometimes
everything works.  i'd really apprecieate any ideas.  thanks,

brady richards

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