I installed a handler as such:

PerlModule Tofu::Tofuhandler
<Location /userfiles >
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Tofu::Tofuhandler

<Location />
AddHandler perl-script *.html
PerlHandler Tofu::Tofuhandler

I then noticed that URI's of directories lacking a trailing '/' were not
being redirected in the browser and so relative links started to break.

As a w/o I installed a TransHandler listed below to modify the URI.   It
seems like I am re-inventing the wheel here and so I assume I did something
wrong to get to this point?  
Thanks for any advice.

package Tofu::Tofugruff;

#use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::Constants qw(:response);

use strict;

 sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $f = $r->document_root.$r->uri;
    my $uri = $r->uri;
    if ( -d $f && $f !~/.*\/$/ ) {
       # A directory that doesn't end in a '/'
       $uri.='/';  # fix it
       $r->err_header_out("Pragma", "no-cache");
       $r->header_out("Location" => $uri );
       return DECLINED;
    return DECLINED;


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