I tried that ( and again ) with no luck :

set PATH=C:\Perl;C:\Perl\lib;C:\Perl\bin;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\system32

but apache gives me the same error. @INC is only consisting of 
C:\winnt\system32\lib which isn't even in my Path environment variable. I 
have no idea where Apache is getting its @INC from at startup..

Thanks though :(


At 03:27 PM 10/11/00 -0700, Carlos Ramirez wrote:
>Update your PATH evironment variable to include C:\Perl\lib
>"siberian.org" wrote:
>>Caveat : I have built modperl on a gazillion unix boxes. This win32 is
>>black magic to me so I have no idea what I am doing, I just need to get
>>mod_perl running under NT desperately. That said, here is my current 
>>ActiveState Perl build 618
>>Apache 1.3.12
>>I ppm'd the mod_perl.ppd from theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca and it installed 
>>I then add the LoadModule line to my httpd.conf
>>When apache tries to startup it says :
>>Can't location Cwd.pm in @INC (@INC contains C:/WINNT/system32/lib .) at
>>(eval 1) line 1
>>Ok, so it can not find my libs which live in C:\Perl\lib.
>>How do I get apache on startup to see the proper lib files?
>Carlos Ramirez + Boeing + Reusable Space Systems + 714.372.4181
>-- Don't make me use uppercase

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