
I'm currently experiemnting with the Installation of the Apache Webserver with
several Modules (ssl, php4, perl and more). I'm installing anything from source,
using the Apache 1.3.12-Webserver, mod_ssl 2.6.5, mod_perl 1.24, php 4.0.3 and
jserv 1.1.1.

My actual installation sequence is configure the apache webserver, then to configure
and install the php4-module (statically), then to configure and install the
(also statically) and after that the other modules. To be able to add further modules
using DSO, I enable the so-module also.

When I tried to install mod_perl, I used the following command:

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_PREFIX=/apps/apache/1.3.12 \
APACHE_SRC=/apps/install/apache/apache_1.3.12 \
USE_APACI=1 DO_HTTPD=1 EVERYTHING=1 ADD_MODULE=src/modules/php4/libmodphp4.a

However, the script tried to "enable" the php4-module, although it should have been 
"activated". When the script starts the configure-command for the apache server, it
fails in activating php4 due to this.

I took a look into the script and it seems that the problem lays in the following
which analyzes and handles the ADD_MODULE-parameter:

  for (split ",", $ADD_MODULE) {
    if(/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {   
      $cmd .= " --enable-module=$1";
    elsif(m:(src/modules/[^/]+/[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):) {
      $cmd .= " --activate-module=$1";

I think the first if-clause within the for-loop logically already contains the
else-clause. By this, the script will either construct an
for the apache or will ignore it. When I replaced the if-clause with the else-clause
vice versa, the script handled it as it should:

  for (split ",", $ADD_MODULE) {
    if(m:(src/modules/[^/]+/[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):) {
      $cmd .= " --activate-module=$1";
    elsif(/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {   
      $cmd .= " --enable-module=$1";

Have a nice day,

Oliver Schönwald
Department of Applied Computer Science I
University of Hagen, Germany

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