> Hi,
> I've been having a problem using any Database with mod_perl.  This
> problem has persisted across two separate platforms.  I found it
> initially whilst working on one contract, and it has popped up again on
> a new contract.

Which version of mod_perl you are using?

Is mod_perl compiled as DSO? if Yes make sure you have at least mod_perl

Any errors in the logfiles?


Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5         D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Voice:    +49 6133 925151
WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:      +49 6133 925152

> Firstly, the initial setup.  I was using DBI with MySQL - and I had some
> scripts written up as modules.  I had a simple main script which called
> these modules - so it was easy to set up an environment where one script
> defined handler for mod_perl, and the other was a standard
> #!/usr/bin/perl CGI script.  I configured Apache/mod_perl so that
> through one location, the usual CGI script got run, and the other
> location ran through mod_perl.
> When running under the mod_perl location, DB calls would intermittently
> fail or succeed, with no variables that I could discern dictating when
> either would happen.  However, the application ran 100% through the
> #!/usr/bin/perl CGI method.  At the time, I gave up and just used
> #!/usr/bin/perl.
> I'm now on this new contract, and it's happening again.  There's a
> session system going on, so that's where it shows itself first.  The
> guys here are using Embperl, so there's no simple dual-script option.
> I switched on trace for the DBI module and couldn't find anything new
> from it.  I might persist in this way as there are a lot of debug
> options.  Thing is, this time the database is PostgreSQL.  It's possible
> that this problem is only appearing when numerous calls are made to the
> server - as some people are using the Embperl written pages to input
> data, and they don't experience any problems.  But me, when I'm clicking
> around, hitting reload again & again, I get up it up on & off.
> I've done searches through Altavista/Google and Northern Light - and
> searches through Geocrawler on this mailing list.  I haven't been able
> to find anyone else sharing these problems - which is real strange to me
> 'cause these problems have persisted across completely different
> projects.
> I should probably note that I've used Apache::DBI on and off to see if
> it makes any difference.
> Maybe it's PostgreSQL settings?   I'll try increasing logging options
> and stuff.
> But any help someone can offer now would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks for your time,
> Rajit

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