Does anyone have a set of procedures to install Mod_perl, Apache,
Postgres, DBI,, and anything
else needed to make Modperl talk to a postgres database.  I'm new to
Linux and Mod_perl, and I've
followed all the setup procedures I can find to do this, but I still
cannot get a database connection.

I think I'm just missing a step somewhere, and if I can get the
procedures on how to do this from start to
finish from one source, I think I'll be allright.  I've been piecing
together all the information I've found on
the Internet, but I'm not having any luck.

Currently I'm receiving the error Can't locate object method "connect"
via package "DBI" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ in my error_log whenever I
start up the apache server.

I've tried installing using RPM's and using the source files, but I
always end up with a similar error.

Thanks in advance....

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