Hi all,

I have just created a SourceForge project for AuthCookie.  If you are
interested, you can access the project at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/ap-authcookie/ . All previous releases
are there, and I have imported the CVS tree too.

Moving the project to SourceForge gives several benefits.  First,
interested developers can access the distribution via anonymous CVS.
Second, the bug tracking tools & task list seem like they'll help
organize my development and help let other people know the current
statuses of project details.  And third, it opens the possibility of
having other developers work on the project.

For some time now, I haven't had enough time to synthesize all the
various requests/contributions/questions people have contacted me about.
I've been considering finding a new person to be the shepherd of
AuthCookie, but for the time being I think I'll hold off on that and
remain in charge.  I would like to make the development a bit more open
though, because lately I've been a bit of a communication black-hole and
the project has stagnated because of it.

If you have any interest in being a developer or otherwise influencing
the direction of the module, please contact me.  I'm not sure whether
I'm ready to coördinate the activity of lots of people, but I suspect
perhaps only 1 or 2 people will be interested anyway.

Although SourceForge provides discussion tools, I would like the
mod_perl list to remain the main point of contact for AuthCookie support
& discussion.  It's possible that in the future we'll want to make a
development list or something, but for now let's hold off.

Pretty soon I will probably move Apache::Filter development to
SourceForge too.

Thanks for the time.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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