You're absolutely right, the mistake is mine.

I have tried writing the config files a couple of ways:

<Location /store>
        SetHandler cgi-script


<Directory /www/perl/htdocs/store>
        SetHandler cgi-script

I have not had luck in either case turning off the Wrapper handler.

I did not encounter any errors in restarting the server with the PerlHandler
Carescout::AccessHandler statement.



darren chamberlain wrote:

> Chris Brooks ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> > I tried setting the PerlHandler back to cgi-script (in the lower-level directory),
> > but that did not turn the Wrapper handler off:
> > <Location /www/perl/htdocs/lower_level>
>    ^^^^^^^^
> That should probably be Directory. As written, it will do this for
> ... Or is that what
> you meant? (I.e., Is this a mistake in your email, your httpd.conf, or
> my assumptions?)
> >         SetHandler cgi-script
> >         PerlHandler Carescout::AccessHandler
>           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is only relevant when the handler is perl-script. I would have imagined,
> completely without evidence of course, that this would have given you an error
> when Apache parsed the file. (Unless that was supposed to be PerlAccessHandler.)
> > </Location>
> (darren)
> --
> Any technology indistinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.


Chris Brooks
Director of Technology
phone: (781) 431-7033 x 342

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