
I'm new to the group, and wonder if anyone would have a mod_perl (or even
CGI) suggestion:

I am writing an online application enabling users to create accounts, store
information, and having the ability to edit/update information, provided it
is under their username.

All information (users, groups, data) will be stored via MySQL.  The
database is interfaced through a web application, using mod_perl and CGI

All users would initially have to login to the system to authenticate
themselves.  All updates, etc. done by the users would follow the login, so
the username/password info would need to be maintain state throughout their
session, while not giving away the information for potential abusers.

Question 1: Apache authentication vs. form-based username/password query to
MySQL?  Pros/cons?

Question 2: How can I enable users to updata/edit records in the system,
through the web, while still knowing who they are (as per username/password
login), over multiple pages throughout a session?

I have found scenarios such as hotmail or monster.com good examples of what
I want to accomplish.

If anyone has some info, online explanations or suggestions to this, it
would appreciated.  

Thanks alot


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