On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Alexander Farber (EED) wrote:

> Is anybody successfully using it under Solaris or OpenBSD?
> "make test" hangs for me on these platforms and the module
> author is unreachable :-(

What version of Perl are you using? I had some problems with make test,
one of the tests doesn't return and I got a few munged shared memory
segment errors, I was attempting to install under Solaris 7 and Perl

> If not IPC::Shareable, what module do you use for fast
> communication between Apache-children?

I started with IPC::SharedCache since it did most of what I wanted, but
took Sam Tregars advice and went with IPC::ShareLite (and serialised all
data myself with Storables freeze & thaw methods) and it works a dream.
One thing I couldn't seem to do was delete() tied IPC::Shareable hash
elements without getting the aforementioned "munged shared memory segment"
errors, which I can do with IPC::ShareLite.


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