    I have started with one httpd; and executed the following mod-perl program from the browser. We've configured apache to have persistent DBI
    The idea is first time the database handle will be inactive and it will print 'INSIDE'.  From the second time onwards the database handle will be active and it will print 'OUTSIDE'.  This is working.
    But, sometimes the 'OUTSIDE' comes from the third or fourth time only.  (that is it takes more than one attempt to become persistent) Why it is happening like this?
Muthu S Ganesh
mod-perl code is here:
$rc = $dbh_pg->{Active};
print "$$: $rc\n";
if($rc eq '')
        print "INSIDE\n";
        $dbh_pg = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=adcept_smg_ctrl","postgres","postgres",{RaiseError => 1}) || die $DBI::errstr;
        print "OUTSIDE\n";
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