> The types of parameters I'll pass to this handler will change
> machine-by-machine. You see, I need to run this package on several different
> servers, and need it to know how to configure it's self.

Okay... I don't think I get exactly why this situation makes using
PerlSetVar impossible/impractical, because if you were thinking that you
could write

    PerlAccessHandler My::Access 'parameters'

Why can't you just write

    PerlAccessHandler My::Access
    PerlSetVar param1 value1
    PerlSetVar param2 value2

So I'm not sure I understand that distinction.

*However*, if you really want to use import, couldn't you go about doing so
like this:

        use My::Access 'parameters';

    PerlAccessHandler My::Access

If you do that, and define a My::Access::import, it should definitely be
called correctly.


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