On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Greg Cope wrote:
> Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > http://modperl.sergeant.org/ApacheConRep.txt
> > Enjoy.
> Thanks for that Matt, I did enjoy it - IBM's party coninciding with Suns
> I eventually could not make the conferance due to a nasty deadline ....

You missed a lot.

> Did Doug mention when mod_perl 2.0 would / maybe / migh possibly be
> ready (I know, I know that it will be ready when its ready, only
> asking!)

I don't remember him mentioning anything, but it will certainly have to
wait until all the bugs in apache 2.0 are fixed. :) (hopes that rbb
doesn't read this...)

According to various asf people, apache2 is at least a month away from
being finished, and probably more...


Matthew Byng-Maddick   Home: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +44 20  8981 8633  (Home)
http://colondot.net/   Work: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +44 7956 613942  (Mobile)
perl -e '$_="Oyvv bsswjfw Thtm mefmfw2\n";while(m([^\n])){$_=$'"'"';$a=$&;
$a=($a=~m(^\s)?$a:pack "c",unpack("c",$a)-5+($i++%5));print $a}print"\n";'

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