Hi there,

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Scott Alexander wrote:

> Is it possible using the magic of mod_perl to set a hash array
> available for all scripts without each script having to open the dbm
> file.

It's not really a mod_perl specific problem.  You need to take care of
the possibility that there will be conflicts between processes trying
to write to the same file, so you need to implement some sort of
locking.  It's in the Guide <http://perl.apache.org/guide>.
> In some of my scripts I'm using functions recursively. Passing
> %output to a function will work once put when it goes very deep
> recursively it doesn't work.

Pass a reference.

my $rhash = \%output;
my $result = func( $rhash );

$rhash _could_ be a global, but don't go there...


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