[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Todd Finney) wrote:
>>Todd Finney wrote:
>> >
>> > This another follow-up to a previous thread, "maximum (practical)
>> > size of $r->notes", from last week.   We're trying to redirect the
>> > output of $subr->run(), and return it as a variable instead of
>> > sending it to the browser.


>The only difficulty then remaining is the existing CGI 
>scripts that this system wraps.  There are several dozen of 
>these in place already, and changing the argument handling 
>would be rather tedious.  Do you know of an easy method for 
>handling that translation, 'easy' meaning 'anything easier 
>than changing all the scripts or Apache itself'. :)

Yeah, check out Apache::Filter, which has an Apache::RegistryFilter
module bundled with it.  That should let you filter the output of your
scripts, if that's what you're after.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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