Hi all,

maybe this one is a rookie-question ;)

Q:Is it normal, that under linux, running apache with mod_perl, for requests
on a script a separate system process is starting ?
 I saw a lot of processes (via `top`), all running separate my script, as I
made some benchmark tests...
 - I thought, that everything would be handled by apaches "httpd", if
mod_perl is installed...

I wrote a script, included it via ssh in most of *.shtml - files of my site.

Everything is working fine, but the benchmark tests.
I really got some frustrating request/seconds - rates (about 6 req/s), while
testing the sites.
So I would really love to know, which way to go:
 should I try to optimise that script (a lot) more or
 should I configure that apache server in the right way for mod_perl?

Some Information:
 I use these modules in my script:
use Apache::Registry;
use CGI::FastTemplate;
use strict;

 some httpd.conf snippets of my test server running on linux:
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
MaxClients 150
AddModule  mod_perl.c
Alias   /cgi-bin/ ....
 <Files *.pl>
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   Options     +ExecCGI

 well, printing the environment with a cgi:
SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (SuSE/Linux) mod_fastcgi/2.2.2

 I made those benchmark test from an NT-PC, via LAN, using Microsoft's
freeware: "Web Application Stress 1.1" from
http://homer.rte.microsoft.com/! - is there a better free tool? - (well I
don't really looked out for a better one)

Thanks 4 reading,
any remarks would be great,

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