        I already have an older version of modperl installed 
in the standard location. I would like to try out the
newer version of apache/modperl without disturbing those
in production. So I did this:

/export/home/chenri/mod_perl-1.24_01$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/export/home/chenri 
EVERYTHING=1  USE_APACI=1  DO_HTTPD=1 APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.14/src 

/export/home/chenri/mod_perl-1.24_01$ make
/export/home/chenri/mod_perl-1.24_01$ make test

That is fine. However, when I do 'make install', make detects
that I already have an older version of modperl and tried to
rm them:

## Differing version of auto/Apache/include/regex/regex2.h found. You might like to
rm /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Apache/include/regex/regex2.h
## Running 'make install UNINST=1' will unlink all those files for you.
*** Error code 13
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `pure_site_install'

Have you encountered this and how to get around it?

Thanks for any info.


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