> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul J. Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:42 PM
> Subject: Clarification of PERL_STASH_POST_DATA
>       OK, so the documentation for PERL_STASH_POST_DATA reads:
>               There is an experimental option for Makefile.PL
>               called PERL_STASH_POST_DATA. If you turn it on,
>               you can get at it again with 
> $r->subprocess_env("POST_DATA").
>               This is not on by default because it adds
>               overhead.
>       So I rebuilt Apache and mod_perl with PERL_STASH_POST_DATA=1
>       on the perl Makefile.PL line; however:
>       1. What *is* $r->subprocess_env("POST_DATA") ?  Just the entire
>          posted data squished up into a single scalar?  What about
>          file uploads?
>       2. The $r->subprocess_env("POST_DATA") doesn't even seem to
>          work.  I "warn" it to the log file and I get nothing there.
>       The general problem is preserving POSTed data, including file
>       uploads, for all handlers.

I don't know about PERL_STASH_POST_DATA, but Apache::RequestNotes may be
able to help - it basically does cookie/get/post/upload parsing during
request init and then stashes references to the data in pnotes.  The result
is a consistent interface to the data across all handlers (which is the
exact reason this module came about)

it requires Doug's libapreq and probably a few code changes, but it may be
somewhat helpful...



>       - Paul

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