> For some reason I usually
> need to start Apache 4-5 times before it actually "sticks" and starts.

What do you mean by "sticks"? You mean, when it doesn't "work", Apache isn't

What happens when you do httpd -S (should show the configured virtual

> One other weirdness.. when I startup Apache, I get a bunch of "unreferenced
> and undefined" warnings.  Those are evident in the ServerConfig.pm below.

You mean the @VirtualHost = ( undef, undef, ... ) stuff?

This is because of the following line:

> $VirtualHost{$ip}[++$#VirtualHost] = {

Where you write $#VirtualHost, that's the *array* @VirtualHost; it's not the
number of elements in @{ $VirtualHost{$ip} }. See the difference? Each time
you increment $#VirtualHost, you

It'd be possible to get the number of elements in @{ $VirtualHost{$ip} } and
increment that etc. But why not just use push?

    push @{ $VirtualHost{$ip} }, { ... };

Much easier, yes?

Same thing here:

> $NameVirtualHost[++$#NameVirtualHost] = $ip;

    push @NameVirtualHost, $ip;

Benjamin Trott

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