has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GE/GEOFF/Apache-Dispatch-0.07.tar.gz
  size: 13251 bytes
   md5: 0ad206303d1138e70615a9763a762e3b

excerpt from the README:


Apache::Dispatch - call PerlHandlers with the ease of Registry scripts


Apache::Dispatch translates $r->uri into a class and method and runs
it as a PerlHandler.  Basically, this allows you to call PerlHandlers
as you would Regsitry scripts without having to load your httpd.conf
with a slurry of <Location> tags.


  in httpd.conf

    PerlModule Apache::Dispatch
    PerlModule Bar

    <Location /Foo>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Apache::Dispatch

      DispatchPrefix Bar

  in browser:

  the results are the same as if your httpd.conf looked like:
    <Location /Foo>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Bar::dispatch_baz

but with the additional security of protecting the class name from
the browser and keeping the method name from being called directly.
Because any class under the Bar:: hierarchy can be called, one
<Location> directive is be able to handle all the methods of Bar,
Bar::Baz, etc...


0.07  10.26.2000
  - added support for output filtering
    thanks to Ken Williams for additional Apache::Filter functionality
  - added FILTERING section to documentation
  - added DispatchISA functionality to set parent classes for 
    dispatched module
  - added DispatchAUTOLOAD directive to make AUTOLOAD behavior user
  - added AUTOLOAD section to documentation
  - more, better documentation
  - modified Apache::ModuleConfig->get() calls
    thanks to Doug MacEachern for the enlightenment
  - fixed bug that allowed for duplicate DispatchExtras directives
  - fixed directive inheritance problems
  - fixed dispatch_index bug
  - fixed one minor "my $x if 0" condition
  - fixed DispatchStat ISA directive to properly recurse all levels
  - made mod_perl 1.2401 required due to DIR_MERGE memory leak in 
    mod_perl < 1.24

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