At 10:46 06/11/2000 -0800, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
>> - "-" [04/Nov/2000:04:36:22 -0800] "GET /../../../ HTTP/1.0" 400
>> 265 "-" "Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.40.426 (Windows 95)" 5740
>i don't think u have a lame spider here.  i think u have a hacker trying to 
>your server.

That may not be a spider, but Bill's problem is a real one, I get a lot of
awful stuff from bots. A lot of it is due to bots not understanding
relative urls properly and requesting lots of documents that don't exist in
under a minute before giving up.

But on a related issue, I got several logfiles corrupted because I log
user-agents there and some seem to use some unicode names that confuse
Apache and convert to \n. Does anyone else have this problem ? I don't
think it could lead to server compromission, but it's never pleasant to
have corrupted logs...

-- robin b.
Mathematicians often resort to something called Hilbert space, which is
described as being n-dimensional.  Like modern sex, any number can play. --
James Blish, the Quincunx of Time

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