> At 06:11 AM 11/10/00 -0500, barries wrote:
> >> Address   Kbytes Resident Shared Private
> >> --------  ------ -------- ------ -------
> >> total Kb   24720   22720    3288   19432  <<< pre-loaded modules
> >> total Kb   14592   12976    3096    9880  <<< not pre-loaed modules.
> >Stupid question, probably, but when running the non-pre-loaded version,
> >are you sure all the same modules are being loaded?
> Yes.  According to perl-status, anyway.  Some modules are loaded into the
> parent, of course, because of mod_perl.  But when not pre-loading I start
> the server, look at perl-status and then made some requests and looked
> again to see what was loaded.  The difference is what modules I'm use'ing
> in my test.
> >I'm wondering if there's
> >some set of modules that, for some reason, isn't being loaded by the
> >sequence of requests you're firing against all of your httpds to
> >get the servers "warmed up" to represent real-life state.
> When looking at pmap it looks like the main difference in "private" memory
> usage is in the heap.  I'm not clear why the heap would end up so much
> bigger when pre-loading modules.
> Unfortunately, Linux doesn't seem to have the same reporting abilities as
> Solaris, but using /proc/<pid>/statm to show shared and private memory
> under these same test showed that pre-loading was a big win.  So it seems
> like a Solaris issue. 

Uhm, http://perl.apache.org/guide/performance.html#Sharing_Memory which
uses extensively libgtop library, which is available for Solaris...

> Bill Moseley

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