Stas Bekman wrote:
> So first if anybody wants to get into the article and hasn't contacted me
> before, let me know. Please post to *me* only if *relevant*. What's
> relevant? You happen to provide ISP service with mod_perl and you are
> willing to give the contact info details/prices and other info.
> Second, Josh if you want me to do something for you over this article let
> me know.

Stas, this ISP is only in idea form now, but we'd basically be doing 
for modperl what LoudCloud has done for NT/Oracle/IIS IT. This isn't 
just getting a couple boxes hooked up to some bandwidth, this is about 
taking care of all the things that ISPs don't normally: web clusters 
with fault tolerance & load balancing, firewall / switch security, 
intrusion monitoring.  These things are reinvented far too many times 
for those that even know they should be done. 

Further, we'll be looking at the next generation of service provisioning
including geographically distributed serving, and fault tolerant 
database setups behind the web cluster architectures.  There's a definite
lack of quality in normal web hosting ISPs, and normally they introduce
yet another level of failure such that any quality minded company is
going to need to host their own, and have direct relationships with 
data centers.

So, we don't even have a name for it yet, but do appreciate your
willingness to help ...

-- Josh

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