Hi again,

Having not really found viable solution to my sleeping processes,
I thought it best to try and cut down on the number of DB connections
that I make during the Auth steps.

I have a database for each site, so that I can handle Authorization
based on different user information. Currently I connect to a DB
and look up which DB I should be using for the Auth. And then
connect to that DB.

I end of with 4 DB connections for each web server thread (2 for Authen
and 2 for Authz). After a short time of inaction (about 30 secs), the
web server makes a new child, and the 4 DB connections just sit there.
Useless. And 4 more are created for the new thread.

Now this is starting to look a little inefficient, and I was wondering
if anyone who has any experience with this kind of problem could give me
a few pointers; some different (better) ideas on how to solve the problem.

All the software is free (Apache, mySQL).


PS: Sorry if you feel the solution lies outisde of Perl.

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