> -----Original Message-----
> From: Struan Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 8:06 AM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: Filter and directories
> * at 09/11 14:22 -0500 Geoffrey Young said:
> > 
> > > I was wondering why Apache::Filter won't deal with directories. 
> > 
> > man Apache::Filter - it's right there ;)
> ah, in the bugs section. note to self: read _all_ the man page.


> > why do you want to process a directory listing?  you want 
> to process the
> > files within the directory via SSI, right?
> no.
> i have a handler with an existing site that uses the extra_path infor
> to work out what templates it shoudl be using for it's output. the
> only problem is that i need to use existing includes that themselves
> use includes so i have to parse the output through Apache::SSI but
> it's possible that the path will be a directory which Filter just
> assumes is an actual directory so won't deal with.
> i.e is /handler/subdir/ is the path then the handler will try and use 
> the template subdir but in that case i can't chain the handler as
> Filter thinks it's a directory.
> does that make sense?

yeah, I think you and Adam were trying to do roughly the same thing (sorry I
didn't reply to your message Adam - it summed up the possible scenario quite

you may want to modify Adam's suggestion, then, and try a trans handler or
rewrite to make sure the request goes to a (possibly imaginary) file... you
may have to adjust your url scheme then, though...

off the top of my head, perhaps you can trick filter?  did you try setting
$r->filename before calling $r->register_filter (or filter_input() in
earlier versions)?  Filter will only check if it's a directory on the first
filter in the chain, and at that it calls -d $r->finfo.  I'm not sure if
setting $r->filename resets $r->finfo (probably ought to if it doesn't)...

again, just off the top - I haven't tried anything like this (yet :)


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