> At 04:19 PM 11/15/00 -0500, Charles Day wrote:
> ># We added the line below to AuthCookie.pm
> >$r->header_out("Location" => $args{'destination'}.$args{'args'});
> Why pass a new argument?  Can't you just add the query string onto
> the destination field in your login.pl script?
> Something like the untested:
> my $uri   = $r->prev->uri;
> my $query = $r->prev->args;
> $uri      = "$uri?$query" if $query;

a little off the subject, but close.....

it the pointer for login is a complete URL ie http://foo.com/login.pl
then the $r->prev-args; seem to get lost. There is real application 
for this sort of thing and I would like to figure out how to make it 
work. Any ideas why it does not?


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