Scott Dayberry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> I'm trying to configure a single box to host completely separate instances
> of development and test versions of the same code base (currently 49
> modules).
> Right now I have 2 virtual hosts configured on the same IP and servername,
> but use different ports, i.e., 80 and 82.

Hey Scott,

Try something like this:

1. Bind some addresses in the 192.168.0.x range to your main NIC,
   like hme0:1 bound to, hme0:2 bound to, etc.
2. Have each developer run their httpd process on one of the virtual
   addresses, bound to a high port (so they can restart the server
   without having root access).
3. Run a lightweight proxying front end (pretend the real address is

  # This is its httpd.conf
    ServerName       dev-1.example.tld
    ProxyPass        /
    ProxyPassReverse /
    ServerName       dev-2.example.tld
    ProxyPass        /
    ProxyPassReverse /

   All the development servers would point to the proxy's address in DNS,
   by the way, and its (the proxy's) virtual host configuration would take
   care of pushing the requests to the correct host. Make sure the front
   end has mod_proxy, of course.

4. Provided the front end server doesn't die or do something strange, it
   will faithfully proxy other servers back and forth.

Hope this helps!


Freedom is nothing else but the chance to do better.
    -- Camus

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