haha i just got a patch for sablotron

its parser wasnt working on the x3d xml stuff remember?

i havent been able to get it to work but he just resent the patch cuz 
it had some extra line feeds in it or something!

he also stated that the next release should make it so sablotron will use the
real expat libs!

instead of the ones off of their site!

if you want it ill send

i like axkit but our company is not about to be migrating to it right now,

our graphic designers seems to like the html::template stuff more

i think its because the xml is a lil heady for the designers!

and us programmers would have to massage all their work into place if we moved
to an xml
based deliver syustem

the other thing is how different parsers and engines can parse
the xml files differently or incorrectly

expat sax or w.h.y all seem to work differently

once the xml movement settles down into a stable realm of cross conformance
and compatibility i think xml will take off like gang busters!

sort of how java was slow in the begining and then it exploded

what i dont really want to see is what happened to the vrml/web3d movement

where non conformance to the standard actually 
set back the movement
no company could afford to make a browser
lots went bankrupt
and those that did release we non conforming non compliant 
no one was 'watchdogging' these issues

and what happened is designers/programmers would have to take into account all
these design
issues for each plugin!! and at that time there were more vrml plugins than
web browsers!!

very frustrating

in this case the open source movement has been saving vrml

with freewrl and openvrml

allright back to the grind

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 18:37:22 +0000 (GMT), Matt Sergeant said:

> On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, clayton cottingham wrote:
>  > man that is one crazy module!
>  > 
>  > in under ten minutes i had the thing running!
>  > 
>  > kudos again to you matt!
>  I'd be happy if it wasn't turning out to be more popular than
>  AxKit! *sigh* :-)

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