On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, mohammed abdul bari wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for mod perl tutors. I have a pretty good knowledge of perl but 
> just a lil bit about appache modules. I need some one who could spare a day 
> or 2 with 1 or 2 hours a day to get me basics. I live in santa clara.

Really if you want to code opensource stuff, you have to start learning on
by yourself. It is not easy, but as they say easy come easy go... if you
do with tutor. Pick up the Eagle Book, Programming Perl, Perl BlackBook
and some C manuals and start to sweat away at getting simple stuff to
work. If you really want to learn how to do good web application
developement, the Eagle Book (Writing Apache Modules in C and perl?) is
still really the resource to learn from to make good informed decisions on
how to build a particular site. It teaches where to use Java script, Perl
CGI, mod_perl and plain C modules that are compiled in perl.
Here's another trick, every time you have a question try to scan as many
sources as possible, that way you most of the time will get rounded
knowlege on a particular question. If you do it like that, you will start
make connections on what belongs to what and how one relates to the other.

Once you get basic idea how the web works, and how mod_perl fits in there
then you can send some questions up here. I as many people here are, like
to help, but would not toleration idiotism, sort of like some people like
to say well, can you just upload it into my head and I'll use it some
time.( You can say that I am bitter, cuz we just hired in the manager and
she is tries to stir the pot, as if she knows what she is doing, and
telling us that what we did is not best decision, and that there might be
better way to do it, and then goes off to ask her friends via e-mail and
then saying "Oh, I guess you are right, that is the only way to do that,
just because my all-know friend said it is so" freak. Sorry just had to
say that.)
Well once basically you gain general knowlege you can ask community for
help, we won't refuse!
Happy hacking to you,

Bask in the glow of the digital silence

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