In the docs for Apache::AuthTicket it says you need to specify

PerlSetVar FooTicketLoginHandler /foologin
PerlSetVar FooLoginScript        /foologinform

and then you need to add

<Location /foologin>
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Foo
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->login

<Location /foologinform>
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Foo
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->login_screen

Since I am using a front-end proxy, I have this in the 

ProxyRequests    On
ProxyPass        /secure/ httpd://localhost:8080/secure/
ProxyPassReverse /secure/ httpd://localhost:8080/secure/

and I do this in the httpd-perl.conf:

PerlSetVar PhysempTicketLoginHandler /secure/login
PerlSetVar PhysempLoginScript        /secure/loginform

and then I added

<Location /secure/login>
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Physemp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->login

<Location /secure/loginform>
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Physemp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->login_screen

so that /secure/login gets proxied back with everything else.
My problem is that when I access the /secure, I get the login
screen OK, but when I login, I keep getting hte login screen and 
403 Access Forbidden errors in the httpd-perl log, but even with 
$Apache::AuthTicket::DEBUG = 1 and including 

PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3 

in the conf file, I have no clue why the login fails over and 
over.  Does anyone have a clue for me?

Thanks ...


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