--- "Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Paul> Good morning, gang.
> Paul> As we migrate to mod_perl, we have one major CGI that is
> Paul> scattered all over the site.  It is directory local and
> Paul> reads config files to adjust its output. Currently we
> Paul> have one copy in cgi-bin and quite literally
> Paul> hundreds of symlinks to it from all over the site.
> Paul> We want to rewrite this in modperl, but I was
> Paul> concerned about the memory usage of cacheing
> Paul> each local copy.

> Huh?
> If you're talking about using Apache::Registry, STOP.  Just write a
> module, define it as the handler for each of those directory
> contents, and you're done.
> Apache::Registry is meant as a stopgap until you learn to write real
> handlers.  You've just now graduated. :)

Oh, my.... you mean, just install a default handler that does what that
CGI has been doing? ...lol, that's too easy, Randall. Surely something
must go wrong! LOL!!!

Honestly, it hadn't occurred to me.  There is one problem, though --
currently, the server uses the precedence of index files to decide how
to handle things. The CGI is our default, but we don't use it in all
directories, and I'd rather not have to hardcode them into the
httpd.conf -- though I could assign the handler in a local .htaccess,
couldn't I! Then each directory would have the .htaccess file telling
to use that handler (or not)?

Between that and the Embperl I just installed -- but mostly that -- I
think you just solved my problem. Many thanks.


PS -- I *just* finally found the "Schwartzian Transform" in "Mastering
Algorithms with Perl". Let me add my own pat to your semi-famous back.
It really is an elegant solution to a common problem. ;o]

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