
Lets say I wanted to send a cookie from mod_perl out through 
my light front end.  Say I set the domain of the cookie to 
".baz.org", and I have ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives
in the httpd-lite.conf like this.

  ServerName www.baz.org
  ProxyPass        /bar/ http://localhost:8080/bar/
  ProxyPassReverse /bar/ http://localhost:8080/bar/
  #more stuff as needed

Furthermore, lets say the ServerName of mod_perl is perl.foo.org. 
AFAIK, the browser will indeed send the cookie to the front end,
since it doesn't care what server made the cookie, and doesn't know


1) Will the front end then pass the cookie on to the back end?
2) If 1 above is "yes", since the cookie was intended for a 
   .baz.org server, won't the perl.foo.org Apache drop the 
   cookie in the bit-bucket?
3) If "yes" to 1 & 2, how do we pass cookies in through the proxy?


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